Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Magic Garden

V: haha! missed!

And so the insulator fight continues between our duo for some time running to avoid each other down the tracks, until.......

V: Whoa!!!!
N!: Yeah!!!!
They found the perfect place to grow a magic garden, plenty of sunlight, out of sight, only our duo knows about it...

The Magic Garden

(Vince is thinking of starting an insulator fight)
V: this one is cracked anyway, so here goes nuthin'!

It lands and shatters on the rail right by Nikos! and nicks his arm

N!: (putting on his paramilitary beret, prepares for war) That's it, motherf***er, it's on now!

The Magic Garden

In this particular episode Vince and Nikos! recount to their friends how they grew a secret garden one year on a hillside not far from campus, and a "magic garden" at a nearby abandoned concrete building foundation and how they stubled onto the site in the first place. It all started with V and N! walking along some old railroad tracks for miles not far from campus, but a place that no-one else knows about because it's hard to get to this section of the railline, as it has not been used in decades, they were into collecting antique rail insulators and trying to sell them online....
V: whoa, there are some good ones dude, looks like we'll have to shake them down, however. they are all intact too, one of us will have to climb up there and throw them down.
N!: there's one way to solve this dilemna, dude, in the age old duel of....PAPER SCISSORS AND ROCKS!!!
N!: (after Nikos! gets rock and Vince ends up with scissors) nothing beats rock, dude!!!!
V: Damn scissors! Of course, paper would have beat your rock, dude!

N!: This is a man's job anyway, not for boys! ...Polish boys, anyway!

N!: whoa, dude! They're actually fairly loose, I can shake them all down at once.
V: Wait, I'm not ready! (as Nikos shakes the pole from the top and all the insulators begin to fall and break, Vince barely manages to catch just one as the others shatter over the rocks and gravel below) Way to go, dude!

Sam Vs Nikos

Sam spills Nikos!' beer all over his shirt as a joke
Nikos!: aw, dude, you're dead!!!

but Nikos! is strapped.......

....with a water pistol

Monday, April 28, 2008

The V Man Prophecies - after the giftshop

Vince: Battle of the Mothmen, dude!
Nikos!: My Mothman can kick your Mothman's ass!!!
Vince: Don't judge a book by its cover, or in this case, size! This little guy packs a punch, watch...

Vince: Mothman attack!!! Coming your way, chopstickhead!
Karen: Hey!

Bobbie: Always acting like jackasses

Nikos!: Dude, we should go back and buy the whole costume! We can test it out around campus and start our own Mothman legends!
Vince: Way to make your freak flag fly, dude! Great idea!

Karen: Oh, darn it, they messed up my hair completely.

V man Prophecies - at the statue

Marji (doing a Charlie's Angels pose in front of the Mothman statue) : Quick, boys and gals, take a picture if you want, Farah Fawcett ain't got shit on me!

Vince (in his Beavis or BeaVince mode again): Check out its butt, heh heh...
Matt: Why would you be looking, dude?

Nikos! (takes aim for the Mothman with a upper cut): Now it's my turn!

V Man Prophecies -At Marji and Matt's

Matt: What the? They're not stoned again, are they?
Marji: I think we'd better drive, just in case..
Matt: Just in case of what? I'm fairly convinced they're trippin' out, so you're right, we'll drive.

(Matt and Marji walk up, Nikos! and Vince have raibow colored swirls in their eyes, as they are coming off their buzz)

Matt: Vince, dude?.....

Marji: Nikos?

Vince (in his Beavis mode, or Cornholio.. whichever): WHOA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ASSWHIPE? YOU'RE KILLING MY BUZZ, DAMN IT, heh heh..
Matt: Relax, dude! It's time to wake up
Nikos! (in his Butthead voice): Yeah, settle down BeaVince!

V Man Prophecies - "any color you like"

"Any Color You Like" continued ... there are missing scenes in this, when they drive around town to get to downtown, and afterwards as they make it up to Marji and Matt's place

(to be added later) (note: there are to be rainbow colors all over these scenes, including when they are biting into the bagels.. in that scene both Vince and Nikos! turn all kinds of colors, hence nikos! is shown without brown eyes or black hair)

The V-Man Prophecies - Any Color You Like

But they decide to get buzzed anyway... these next sequences are to be set to the tune "Any Color You Like" by Pink Floyd (off the Dark Side of The Moon album) {I'm hoping to be able to put this together as a slide show eventually to the actual song}

[time to pour some refreshments for the trip]

Nikos!: Whoa!

Vince: Yeah dude, Love that feeling when the skull smiles back at us!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Black and White version

For now I'm putting the cartoons on in black and white. After all I do have a day job, and only after I can get enough recognition can I quit my day job, once I can start generating an income with these comics and some of my other plans, if I had that kind of time on my hands, then I would start putting fully colored versions on the blog also, but until then, they have to be in black and white, after all, even drawing them is time consuming by itself.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Marji and Matt have already made the most of their day, having gone shopping and taken care of other things, while our duo were fast asleep (a running gag of this series is that Vince and Nikos are hardly ever awake before noon on a weekend, whether over the summer session or the regular school year)

V: Yo, babe, do we have a roadtrip in store for you!

Marji: Oh great, what is it?

V: There's this legend you see, about this mothman dude....

Marji: You guys want to see that goofy statue down in West Virginia, don't you?

V: whoa, its like you're reading our minds, man!

Marji (to Matt): It's Vince, he's wondering if we feel like taking a road trip this afternoon.

Matt: Yeah, why not, I was only going to watch the game, but who would want to do that? (sarcastic)

V: Plus, I heard there is riverboat gambling down there too, dudes!

Marji: Don't worry, you've already sold us, it's not like Matt was going to watch the game this afternoon or anyhting. Meet us at our place in 20 minutes, and try not to get high this time!

V: all right! groovy! We're there dude! (hangs up and turns to Nikos, who is still trying to call the others): Well dude, looks like we sold the trip to our first customer.. put it here Buddeee! (A'la Pauly Shore) (as Nikos "hits the rock" (no not crack you dolts!)


Public service announcement!: I'm still new at this, some of the strips are slightly out of order, which I have no control over, that is why I wrote the dialogue in order along with each post, which should clue the reader in on what sequence each comic block goes in.

The V-Man Prophecies

In this episode, Vince and Nikos are bored out of their minds one summer weekend afternoon, and feel like taking a road trip. They have a bulletin board titled "who's around this weekend" which tells them exactly which friends are around, well you guessed it, that particular weekend. How two lazy slackers find out these things in advance, especially as they have so many friends to keep track of, is beyond me, so don't ask me, they just do! Anyway, they call the 4 friends that are around this particular weekend, which happens to be around the 4th of July (so you can imagine that campus is dead for the most part, even during the summer session), to take this road trip with them, after watching a TV program about the infamous "Mothman" of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, which just happens to be a hour's drive from their university campus....
Vince: Whoa, dude, I'm bored! We need a day road trip!
(on TV: a documentary about the Mothman Prophecies and the real story behind it; the narration goes on to talk about Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where this legend took place, and also mentions the fact that there is a statue dedicated to this mythological creature in the town.)
Vince (turning up the volume): Whoa!!! Dude! That's totally doable! We need to get a group together, like right now!
Nikos: Yeah! We need to call around to see who wants to come!
Vince: Well, I know Mandy and Bernie are out of town this weekend...
Nikos: Let's check out who's available this weekend.
(they both get up and go to the dining room)
Vince: Cool, we can start with Marji and Matt.
Nikos: Dude, the only other two are Bobbie and Brabs.
Vince: Well, at least it won't be a sausage fest this time! You call them and I will drop a line to M & M.