Vince and Nikos are bored in their apartment one afternoon, on a weekend, and of course it is in the afternoon on a weekend, because these two rarely get up before noon on weekends.. too much partying down at the campus bars the night before? On this particular afternoon they were watching certain shows, on probably the history channel, on gangs.. Vince comes up with a (not so bright) idea, to 'roll' around campus dressed as gang members, strapped with water guns and do drive by splashings to anyone they want, but mostly people they know. They also carry out "green lights" to certain friends at certain locations around campus... poor Keith is one of them, and all the kid wanted to do was study!
Nikos (to Tony): Greek Mafia official business! We're carrying out a green light, esse'!
Tony: All right Nikos! Smoke 'em Mo'Fos!!!
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